SEE Exam routine 2081 Class 10– National Examination Board & Secondary Examination Education has published the class 10 (SEE) exam routine 2081. The SEE examination class 10 will start on Chaitra 07 and will end on Chaitra 19 2081. The complete SEE grade exam routine 2081 is available on Class 10 see exam routine 2081 2082 comprises subject-wise exam dates, exam timings, and important instructions from NEB Board.
SEE Examination 2081 2082
Every year, throughout the months of Chaitra and Baisakh, NEB conducts public exams for class 10 students enrolled in both private and public schools in Nepal. The SEE Office of the Controller Examination has scheduled the Secondary Education exams for 2025 to begin within the first or second week of Chaitra. For the academic year 2081-2082, at least 2.4 lakh Students will take the Class 10 school exams. According to NEB officials, online application submission for the annual examination will start in Poush. This will make it possible for students whose final theory exams will be in 2081 to submit their applications before the deadline. For students who intend to take the 10th-grade final exam, download the Class 10 SEE exam routine 2081 and start reviewing all of your material.
The exam routine for the 10th board examination was anticipated to be released in the first or second week of Magh 2081, according to information from the NEB Officials. The SEE helps the school administration organize the required exam preparations while also allowing students to plan their study schedules properly. Nepal SEE exam schedule 2081 208w will be made public by the NEB board at its official website, in news publications, and on television.
Nepal SEE Re Exam Routine 2081 Details
Exam Name | Nepal SEE 10th Re Examination 2081 |
Name of Conduction Authority | National Examination Board NEB |
Type of Exam | Annual Exam |
Academic Year | 2025-2081 |
Starting Date of Examination | 7th Chaitra 2081 |
Last Date for Examination | 19th Chaitra 2081 |
Exam Routine Release Date | 14th January 2081 (1st Magh 2081) |
Status | Released |
Official Website | |

About National Examination Board NEB
The National Examination Board (NEB) is the central examination board in Nepal responsible for conducting the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) and Higher Secondary Education (10+2) examinations. Established in 2016, the NEB replaced the previous examination systems of the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) and the Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) in order to streamline the examination process and ensure uniformity in evaluation and assessment.

The NEB has its headquarters in Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, and operates under the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology of the Government of Nepal. It is responsible for developing and implementing examination policies, preparing question papers, conducting examinations, and publishing results. The NEB conducts the SEE examination for grade 10 students and the 10+2 examinations for grade 11 and 12 students in various streams such as Science, Management, Humanities, and Education. These examinations play a crucial role in determining students’ academic progress and their eligibility for further studies.
NEB SEE 2081 Grade Increment Exam Dates
Exam Date | Day | Subject Name (Starts at 8:00 am) |
7th Chaitra, 2081 | Thursday | Compulsory English |
9th Chaitra, 2081 | Friday | Compulsory Nepali |
10th Chaitra, 2081 | Sunday | Compulsory Mathematics |
12th Chaitra, 2081 | Tuesday | Compulsory Science and Technology |
13th Chaitra, 2081 | Wednesday | Compulsory Social Studies |
14th Chaitra, 2081 | Thursday | Optional First |
15th Chaitra, 2081 | Friday | Optional Second |
Class 10 SEE Re Exam Routine 2081
Exam Date | Subject |
Chaitra 7th, 2081, Thursday | Compulsory English (Regular & Increment) Ved Vidhyashram: Compulsory Sanskrit Language and Literature / Compulsory English Madrasah: Compulsory Arabic Language / Compulsory English Grade Increment: Compulsory English / Compulsory Sanskrit Language and Literature (Ved Vidhyashram) |
Chaitra 9th, 2081, Friday | Compulsory Nepali (Regular and Grade Increase) Elective English (for Non-Nepali Students) |
Chaitra 10th, 2081, Sunday | Compulsory Mathematics (Regular & Increment) |
Chaitra 12th, 2081, Tuesday | Compulsory Science & Technology Ved Vidhyashram: Shukla Yajurveda / Samaveda / Rig Ved / Atharvaveda / Ethics / Compulsory Science and Technology Madrasah: Sirat and Islamic / Compulsory Science and Technology Grade Increment: Compulsory Science, Compulsory Sanskrit Grammar & Translation (Ved Vidhyashram) |
Chaitra 13th, 2081, Wednesday | Compulsory Social Studies Technical: Compulsory Social Studies / Optional Mathematics Ved Vidhyashram: Sanskrit Language and Grammar Grade Increment: Farm Management and Marketing, Engineering Drawing, Computer Repair and Maintenance (Technical) |
Chaitra 14th, 2081, Thursday | Regular & Ved Vidhyashram: Optional First Paper All Subjects (Regular & Grade Increment) Technical: Animal Health, Industrial Agriculture and Fish Culture, Data Science and OOP Concept using C++, Building Construction and Drawing, Electrical Machine, Classical Music Grade Increment: Ved or Ethics (for Ved Vidhyashram) / Optional Mathematics (for Technical) |
Chaitra 15th, 2081, Friday | Regular & Ved Vidhyashram: Optional Second Paper All Subjects (Regular and Grade Increase) Technical: Dairy Product Technology, Food Crop Production, Computer Hardware, Electronics Repair and Maintenance, Highway Engineering, Basic Electronics, Nepali Folk Music Grade Increment: Agriculture and Fisheries, Electrical Management and Instrument, Computer Network, Engineering Surveying (Technical), Second Optional Paper All Subjects (Ved Vidhyashram) |
Chaitra 16th, 2081, Saturday | Technical (Regular): Veterinary Laboratory Technology, Horticulture Crop Production, Data-Based Management System, Engineering Surveying, Industrial Installation and Maintenance, Western Music Grade Increment: Vegetable and Medicinal Plant Production, Dairy and Dairy Products, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Database Management System, Building Construction |
Chaitra 17th, 2081, Sunday | Technical (Regular): Aquaculture and Fisheries, Floriculture and Nursery Production, Digital Design and Microprocessor, Estimating, Costing and Supervision, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Optional Subject (Singing / Musical Instrument / Dance) Grade Increment: Crop Production, Small Ruminant Production and Management, Electronic Device and Circuit, Water Resources Engineering |
Chaitra 18th, 2081, Monday | Grade Increment: Compulsory Health, Population and Environment Education, Ritual/Falit Astrology (toward Ved Vidhyashram), Compulsory Sanskrit Language (toward Sanskrit), Industrial Entomology and Mushroom, Animal Health-II, Electrical Machine, Microprocessor, Highway Engineering (toward Technology) |
Chaitra 19th, 2081, Tuesday | Grade Increment: Floriculture and Nursery Management, Veterinary Laboratory Techniques, Industrial Installation and Maintenance, Object-Oriented Programming, Estimating Costing and Supervision |
SEE Exam 2081 208w Important Dates
The morning and evening sessions of the SEE class 10 exams will be held, in accordance. The SEE Exam routine specifies the sessions in which students must show up.
SEE Exam Routine 2081 2082 release | 1st Magh 2081 |
NEB SEE 2081 Examination | 7 to 19th Chaitra |
Class 10 SEE Result | June 2025 |
Details Mentioned in SEE Exam Routine 2081 PDF
Students can check the following details on SEE Exam routine 2081 NEB Board:
- Name & Logo of NEB Board
- SEE Exam Date & Day
- Class name
- The subject name and Code
- Exam timing
- SEE Exam Routine 2081 Class 10
How to Check SEE Exam Routine 2081 2082 Class 10?
Students can follow the simple steps mentioned below to check class 10 SEE exam routine 2081 2081:
- Go to the official website,
- Look into the notice section for the SEE Routine 2081 link.
- Click on a link. A routine pdf file will open on your screen
- Download and save a copy routine for future use.
Preparation Tips for SEE Exam Class 10
- Create a study schedule and stick to it.
- Start your preparation early to avoid last-minute stress.
- Solve sample papers and previous years’ question papers for practice.
- Take regular breaks to relax and avoid burnout.
- Revise regularly and create concise notes for quick revision.
- Seek help from teachers or classmates if needed.
- Practice time management to improve speed and accuracy.
- Stay positive, motivated, and believe in your abilities.